Sub kod()
Set xmlHTTPReq = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
Set htmlDoc = CreateObject("HTMLFILE")
For a = 2 To Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(3).Row
strURL = "" & ToUtf8(Cells(a, 1))
With xmlHTTPReq
.Open "GET", strURL, False
If .Status = 200 Then
htmlDoc.body.innerHTML = .responseText
If htmlDoc.getelementsbyClassName("row mb-4").Length > 0 Then
Cells(a, 2) = Split(htmlDoc.getelementsbyClassName("row mb-4")(0).innertext, vbLf)(1)
Cells(a, 3) = Split(htmlDoc.getelementsbyClassName("row mb-4")(1).innertext, vbLf)(2)
Cells(a, 4) = CStr(Split(htmlDoc.getelementsbyClassName("row mb-4")(2).innertext, vbLf)(2))
End If
End If
End With
End Sub
Function ToUtf8(met As String)
bul = Array(" ", "’", "ı", "ç", "ş", "ö", "ü", "ğ", "İ", "Ç", "Ş", "Ö", "Ü", "Ğ")
deg = Array("%20", "%27", "%C4%B1", "%C3%A7", "%C5%9F", "%C3%B6", "%C3%BC", "%C4%9F", _
"%C4%B0", "%C3%87", "%C5%9E", "%C3%96", "%C3%9C", "%C4%9E")
For a = LBound(bul) To UBound(bul)
met = Replace(met, bul(a), deg(a))
ToUtf8 = met
End Function